Product Description
Laminar Air Flow Bench solutions offered are designed for specific processes that require to be completely surrounded by quality air that is completely free from any type of particulate contamination/impurities. Here, the system is utilized by all applications requiring biological specimen or product to be free from any contamination possibilities during process or test. Further, these Laminar Air Flow Benches comprise enclosures that supply highly purified air that is free of macroscopic fluctuation and moves in single direction and parallel lines. With the unit directing air flow in one direction which is away from specimen and towards the user, it helps in providing ultimate protection to specimens that are prone to contamination that can be caused by mixing of contaminated air that contain contaminates from outside environment. Further, these Laminar Air Flows also come fitted with completely washable synthetic pre-filter units as well as secondary high efficiency perfect air filters which are made of mini pleated non woven fabric so as to deliver efficient performance.