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Product Description
The rain gauge uses a tipping bucket (cup) mechanism that triggers a magnetic reed switch once every unit of rainfall. Every pulses by Tipping bucket is counted by Digital Data logger having 256 KB Data Memory. The Data logging interval can be set according to requirement for site or weather condition in internal Memory. It can be set to 5/10/15/20/30/60/120 minutes. Which is sufficient for logging 110 days of data @ 10 minutes logging interval. The Data logger consist of Real Time Clock with extra Battery backup of Lithium Battery.
The rain gauge series tipping bucket Rain Gauge is sturdy construct from durable Fibre glass body. The tipping mechanism is having very solid construction ensuring that tips are accurate and consistent in volume. The system consists of 12V SMF Battery for longer supply. Mains Battery Charger, Data Logger. The data can be uploaded through internal RS232 port to computer when needed. The external memory (optional) can be used to offload data from Data logger placed on field & later upload to PC located at office.
The system can easily be taken apart to clean. Debris and dirt will collect in this mechanism, thus making it essential that cleaning be comes an integral part of the maintenance program.
Sensing Type: Tipping Bucket mechanism
Resolution: 0.5 mm per tip
Operating Range: Upto 600 mm/hr
Realiability: Typically five (5) years' operation.
Contact System: Reed Switch
Data Logger: Micro controller based Digital Data Logger
Memory: 128KB (Sufficient for 16384 readings: 110 days @ 10 minute Log Interval)
Log Interval: 5/10/15/20/30/60/120 minutes
Battery: 12V SMF Battery with Mains charger (Optional with Solar Battery Charger)
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