Standard Penetrometer With Digital Timer Price And Quantity
5000 INR/Piece
1 Piece
Standard Penetrometer With Digital Timer Product Specifications
50-100 Grams (g)
Stainless Steel
For Laboratory
Standard Penetrometer
Standard Penetrometer With Digital Timer Trade Information
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7 Piece Per Day
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Product Description
The apparatus consist of a cast Aluminium base with center platform which can move up & down, three leveling foot screws and a vertical pillar with rack & pinion system, on which an Aluminium arm moves up & down freely. A 6" Dial is fixed on this arm and brass chromium plated rod slide through the lower portion of the arm. A needle with weights (50 gm or 100 gm) can be fitted to this rod. Fine adjustment of the arm to touch the surface of the sample can be done by screw system. The Dial is graduated from 0 - 400 in 1/10th millimeter sub division. Complete with Digital Timer and electrical arrangement to carry out the test without need of stop watch and with great ease and accuracy.
Supplied complete with adjustable needle holder, penetration needle, sample containers, weight of 50 & 100 gm, Test Reports and Instruction Manuals.
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