Product Description
Vacuum oven solutions offered comprise both standard as well as custom built options that are designed for temperature controlled heating and drying applications requiring airless environment. These can also be effectively used in variety of laboratory experiments as the system has ability to hold high level of vacuum. With the ovens mostly finding usage in annealing as well as cleaning evaporation of samples, these comprise of stainless steel construction with provision of observation window, gasket doors with tough latch, easily read-able vacuum gauge, two valves for bleeding and adjustable thermostat with digital read out so as to provide for efficient performance. Some end applications these can be used in include for degassing samples, for contamination free storage devices, for ageing studies, for heating and drying applications when oxidation is an issue, fir equipment / tool drying, for moisture determination as well as for dry content analysis. Comprising construction of stainless steel chamber, these are made available in different working capacities.